Āboltiņa to the Governor of the Central Bank of Luxembourg: Latvia has fulfilled all Maastricht criteria and is ready to join the euro area


On Wednesday, 13 March, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, met with Gaston Reinesch, Governor of the Central Bank of Luxembourg. In underlining Latvia’s strategic goal of jointing the euro area in 2014, Āboltiņa pointed out that “Latvia has been complying with all the Maastricht criteria since September 2012, which is the basis for admission to the euro area”.

Āboltiņa informed the Governor of the Central Bank of Luxembourg that in 2012 Latvia was the fastest growing economy in the European Union with a 5.5% GDP growth. “We are convinced that the enlargement of the euro area with fiscally responsible countries will be beneficial to Europe’s monetary union and will increase the confidence in the common currency,” said Āboltiņa.

The Speaker also underlined that although the EU has already done much to stabilise its economic and financial situation, ambitions for further reforms should not be lowered. “We want to have a strong and stable European Union and euro area. We support further evolution of EU’s Economic and Monetary Union, and our options to participate in its supervision are being discussed at the Latvian parliament,” said Āboltiņa.

Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, is on an official visit to Luxembourg from 11 to 13 March upon the invitation of Laurent Mosar, Speaker of the parliament of Luxembourg.

Saeima Press Service

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