Remuneration of MPs and reimbursement

Remuneration for the work of the Members of the Saeima is paid from the state budget. The principles of remuneration of MPs and other state officials are set out in the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities. The remuneration is adjusted automatically each year, taking into account the changes in the national average salary and inflation in Latvia. Members may receive additional remuneration for assuming certain positions in the Presidium of the Saeima, parliamentary groups, committees, and subcomittees.

The 13th Saeima decided to “freeze” the remuneration of MPs at the level of 2019 until the end of its convocation. Therefore, the salaries of MPs will not be reviewed or increased until the end of the mandate of the 13th Saeima.

As of 2021, the monthly salary of a Member of the Saeima is EUR 2963 before taxes.

Members of the Saeima do not receive any supplementary remuneration for participation in plenary sittings, committee meetings, delegations, or groups. MPs do not receive any bonus payments.

Members of the Saeima are reimbursed for expenses incurred while fulfilling their duties as MPs. They are entitled to reimbursement for transport expenses and the rental of living quarters. The reimbursement system ensures that MPs elected from more distant regions in Latvia are not disadvantaged in comparison with those living in Riga.

The maximum reimbursement amount depends on the MP’s place of residence. The closer the MP lives to Riga, the smaller the maximum reimbursement amount. 

Only the actual expenses are reimbursed from the budget of the Saeima. To receive reimbursement, an MP must provide documents attesting to the right of use (vehicle registration certificate, rental contract of an apartment), as well as the actual fact of payment (receipts for the purchase of fuel, public transport tickets, bank statements of transferred payments).

Information about the remuneration and reimbursements paid to MPs is available to the public.

Piektdien, 18.oktobrī
09:00  Eiropas lietu komisijas sēde