Information regarding media work in the Saeima


Accreditation of media representatives for work in the Saeima

Accreditation for work in Latvian state institutions is granted to foreign media representatives by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

How can one obtain permanent accreditation?

One-day accreditation is also available. One-day accreditation cards must be requested ahead of time by telephone (+371 67087244) or e-mail

Applications must contain the following information:

  • name, surname;
  • personal ID number;
  • phone number;
  • name of the represented media; and
  • the date on which the accreditation is required.

Upon arrival at the Saeima, the person to be accredited is required to follow these steps:

1) contact the Saeima Press Service by calling + 371 67087244 or + 371 67087281;

2) present a valid ID and their press card or a written affidavit from the head of the media organisation confirming that the applicant represents the relevant organisation;

3) confirm by signature that they have read and understood the rules of accreditation, the Rules of conduct of media representatives in the Plenary Chamber, and the Regulations on the procedure of visiting and staying in the buildings of the Saeima.

One-day accreditation cards are issued at the security post in any of the Saeima buildings, upon presenting a valid ID. A separate card is issued at each building, which must be handed over to the security post of the building in question at the end of the visit. It is prohibited to transfer the accreditation card to other persons.

While inside the Saeima buildings media representatives are required to prominently display their media accreditation cards.

The procedure for the accreditation of media representatives in the Accrediting Body is determined by the Cabinet Regulations.

The accredited media representatives are required to adhere to the Rules of conduct of media representatives in the Plenary Chamber, and the Regulations on the procedure of visiting and staying in the buildings of the Saeima.

For more information on the accreditation of media representatives in the Saeima call + 371 67087281 or e-mail


Media representatives’ work in the Plenary Chamber

During plenary sittings, mass media representatives accredited to the Saeima are allowed to stay in the visitors’ gallery of the Plenary Chamber.

Photographers and camera operators are allowed also in the MPs’ section at the back of the Plenary Chamber along the windows. Photographers and camera operators may be permitted to take pictures or make video recordings for a short time (up to five minutes) from the visitors’ gallery of the Plenary Chamber as long as it does not disturb those in the visitors’ gallery of the Plenary Chamber.

Interviews and video recordings for the reporters’ visual material must be made outside the Plenary Chamber.

Media representatives are not allowed to enter the Plenary Chamber in their outerwear.

While in the Plenary Chamber, media representatives must behave quietly, must avoid disturbing the work of MPs and refrain from speaking on the mobile phone.

Media representatives must follow the instructions of the staff members of the Public Relations Department and the Security Service. If these rules are breached, the staff members of the Public Relations Department and the Security Service have the right to reprimand the media representatives in question or, depending on the nature of the violation, eject them from the Plenary Chamber.

Due to security considerations, please do not leave your personal belongings and work equipment (including bags, cases, etc.) in the territory of the Saeima unattended. Unattended belongings will be removed by the Security Service without prior notice. 


Media Room (Jēkaba iela 16, Room 101)

Media representatives working at the Saeima may use the Media Room, which is equipped with two internet-connected computers. 


Internet access

Internet connection is available in all buildings of the Saeima. To access wireless internet, select the Wi-fi Internet Network “Saeima” on your device. The Network Access Password is available in the information materials located in the premises of the Saeima. The wireless network is designed for individual use – access to e-mail, web browsing, and instant messaging.  Its use is not authorised for the transmission of bulk data or for television and radio live broadcasts.

The use of the wireless network for illegal activities is prohibited. The Saeima Administration reserves the right to disable equipment used for harmful activities or in non-compliance with the regulations without prior warning. The Saeima Administration is not liable for losses incurred by users as a result of using the wireless network.

If media representatives need to transfer large files (e.g., video and photo files), please use the wired internet connection for this purpose. Regarding the possibilities of its use, please contact the Press Service of the Saeima ahead of time. The wired internet connection is also available in the Media room at Jēkaba iela 16.



The content published on the Saeima website, publications and information materials of the Saeima, as well as information posted on the social media accounts of the Saeima (Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) are protected under the relevant copyright laws and regulations.

All photographs, audio-visual materials, infographics, animations, etc. (hereinafter – the Content) published with a reference to the Saeima are the property of the Saeima.

The Saeima’s Content can be republished or otherwise used for information purposes without the express consent of the Saeima or the authors of the Content. It is prohibited to use the Content in a manner that discredits the Saeima and the individuals depicted in the Content, or misleads about the circumstances in which the Content was created.  When republishing the Content, it is mandatory to make a reference to the Saeima and the authors of the Content (if they are provided).

The use of the Content for any other purposes must be coordinated with the Saeima via e-mail


Updates on the parliamentary work

Please contact the Press Service for further information concerning press releases in Latvian or English via e-mail:


Contact information for media representatives

To help you with your work at the Saeima, the team of the Public Relations Bureau is at your service. General inquiries:

Juris Vīgulis, Head of the Public Relations Bureau
Phone: +371 67087218, mobile phone: 26184007
e-mail:,, Jēkaba iela 16, room 116.

Dana Naunikas, Deputy Head of the Public Relations Bureau
Phone: +371 67087281, mobile phone: 29190018
e-mail: Jēkaba iela 16, room 114-115.

Signe Apsīte, Head of the Press Service of the Public Relations Bureau
Phone: +371 67087088, mobile phone: 28312203
e-mail:,, Jēkaba iela 16, room 114-115.

Svētdien, 9.martā