Committees and subcommittees

The committees of the Saeima have an important role in the work of the Parliament. The committees work in a specific legislative field and prepare draft laws for consideration in the plenary sittings of the Saeima. They also carry out parliamentary scrutiny over the work of the government. Committees may have other tasks, for example, they verify whether public expenditures are justified, decide whether the Code of Ethics has been violated, or coordinate Latvia’s national positions on European Union issues.

The Saeima has standing committees as set forth by the Rules of Procedure. These committees are formed in each convocation of the Saeima. In addition, the Saeima may form ad hoc committees to undertake specific legislative assignments. In specific cases, the Saeima appoints a parliamentary investigative committee if at least one third of MPs request it.

If necessary, each committee may form up to two subcommittees.

The tasks of the committees

Committee formation


Committees of the 13th Saeima

Committees and subcommittees

Foreign Affairs Committee     Composition   Fact sheet  
    Baltic Affairs Subcommittee of the Foreign Affairs Committee 
Budget and Finance (Taxation) Committee Composition Fact sheet  
    Financial Sector Supervision Subcommittee 
    Tax Policy Subcommittee
Legal Affairs Committee    Composition  Fact sheet
    Criminal Law Policy Subcommittee  Composition
    Judicial Policy Subcommittee


Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Composition Fact sheet
    The Latgale Region Subcommittee Composition    
    Media Policy Sub-Committee

Education, Culture and Science Committee
Composition Fact sheet
    Higher Education, Science and Innovation Sub-Committee  Composition    
    Sports Subcommittee 


Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee Composition  Fact sheet

    Strategic Communication Subcommittee Composition     
    Comprehensive National Defence Subcommittee 

Public Administration and Local Government Committee Composition  Fact sheet
    Housing Subcommittee  Composition     
    Local Government System Improvement Subcommittee


Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee Composition  Fact sheet
    Artisan and Small Business Subcommittee  Composition     
    Environmental and Climate Subcommittee
Social and Employment Matters Committee  Composition  Fact sheet  
    Public Health Subcommittee

Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee
Composition Fact sheet

Parliamentary Inquiry Committee
Composition  Fact sheet
Public Expenditure and Audit Committee
Composition Fact sheet
National Security Committee
Fact sheet
Citizenship, Migration and Social Cohesion Committee
Composition  Fact sheet
Web page
European Affairs Committee
Composition Fact sheet
Sustainable Development Committee Composition Fact sheet
    E-governance Subcommittee Composition    
    Information Technology and Innovative Entrepreneurship


Special committees

Administrative-Territorial Reform Committee                                                                  


Parliamentary investigative committees
Parliamentary Inquiry Committee for investigating the erroneous actions of the Latvian government in the Covid-19 pandemic management process, naming the political officials who caused irreversible negative consequences for Latvia (expired on 4 March 2022)
Parliamentary Committee for investigating the objectives and impact of introducing aid in the form of the mandatory procurement component, aid eligibility criteria, aid intensity, the Commission's Decision in Case SA.43140 (2015/NN) of 24 April 2017, and incurred damages and action taken by law enforcement authorities (expired on 6 March 2020)
 Composition Final report in Latvian             
Ceturtdien, 6.martā
08:30  Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijas priekšsēdētāja Edmunda Cepurīša un komisijas deputātu tikšanās ar Dānijas Karalistes Eiropas lietu ministri Marie Bjerre
09:00  Saeimas 2025. gada 6. marta kārtējā sēde
12:35  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas sēde
17:00  2025.gada 6. marta atbilžu sniegšana uz deputātu jautājumiem