Elections of the Saeima

Each convocation of the Saeima consists of 100 MPs elected for a term of four years in general, equal, direct elections, by secret ballot, and on the basis of proportional representation. All citizens of Latvia who enjoy full rights of citizenship and who on election day have attained eighteen years of age are entitled to vote in the Saeima elections.

The Saeima election takes place on the first Saturday of October. The newly elected Saeima convenes for its first sitting on the first Tuesday of November, which also marks the end of the mandate of the previous Saeima.

Any citizen of Latvia who enjoys full rights of citizenship and who is more than twenty‑one years of age on the election day may be elected to the Saeima.

The Saeima elections are held in five constituencies: Riga, Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale, and Kurzeme. The Central Election Commission determines the number of Saeima seats for each of the five constituencies based on the population count four months before the election day. The Riga constituency also includes the electorate residing outside of Latvia.

The electorate votes on candidate lists submitted by political parties or associations of political parties. Each MP candidate may only be included in the candidate list of a single constituency. For a political party or an association of political parties to be elected to the Saeima, it must receive not less than five percent of the total number of votes cast in all constituencies.

The Saeima Election Law prescribes the procedure for electing the Saeima. The process of the Saeima election is organised and managed by a permanent, elected public institution – the Central Election Commission.

The next Saeima election will take place in 2026.

Information from the Central Election Commission about the previous Saeima elections: 

Election of the 14th Saeima (2022)

Election of the 13th Saeima (2018)

Election of the 12th Saeima (2014)

Election of the 11th Saeima (2011)

Election of the 10th Saeima (2010)

Election of the 9th Saeima (in Latvian, 2006)

Election of the 8th Saeima (in Latvian, 2002)

Election of the 7th Saeima (in Latvian, 1998)

Election of the 6th Saeima (in Latvian, 1995)

Election of the 5th Saeima (in Latvian, 1993)

Election of the 4th Saeima (in Latvian, 1931)

Election of the 3rd Saeima (in Latvian, 1928)

Election of the 2nd Saeima (in Latvian, 1925)

Election of the 1st Saeima (in Latvian, 1922)

Piektdien, 7.martā
09:00  Eiropas lietu komisijas sēde