MPs and staff members of the Saeima take part in Blood Donor Day


On 7 April, World Health Day, the Saeima participated in Blood Donor Day during which 66 people donated their blood in the State Blood Donor Centre bus stationed by the main building of the Saeima.

“Donating blood is an opportunity to do a good deed. We can help people who find themselves in a difficult situation – we can give them a chance to live. Often, a person’s life depends not only on the professional help of medical staff but also on receiving a timely blood transfusion. Therefore, let’s give a hand to our fellow human beings and save a beating heart,” said the Speaker Solvita Āboltiņa.

“It is simple to take part in Blood Donor Day, and at the same time it provides indispensable help to others. Despite the developments in modern medicine, doctors are often helpless without the timely assistance of people who are ready to donate their blood for the health and life of others. As a medical doctor, I extend the sincerest gratitude to all donors for getting involved in the blood donor campaign,” emphasised Vitālijs Orlovs, Chairman of the Public Health Subcommittee.

Mainly staff members of the Saeima and MPs participated in the blood donor drive, including Arvils Ašeradens (Unity), Aleksejs Holostovs (Concord Centre), Andrejs Klementjevs (Concord Centre), Aleksejs Loskutovs (Unity), Imants Parādnieks (All for Latvia – For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK), and Ilze Vergina (Unity). Other people who had heard about the campaign taking place by the main building of the Saeima also came to Jēkaba iela with their commitment and desire to help.

Blood Donor Day has already become a tradition of the Saeima; this was the fourth time when MPs and staff members of the Saeima donated their blood during this campaign.

Since 1950, upon the suggestion of the World Health Organisation, 7 April has been designated as World Health Day.



Photos of the campaign are available at:
Video from the campaign is available at:
When using the material, please give credit to the Saeima.

Saeima Press service

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