Daiga Mieriņa concludes visit to Ukraine


Concluding her visit to Ukraine, Speaker of the Saeima Daiga Mieriņa met with Ukraine’s Minister of Defence, Rustem Umerov, in Kyiv on Wednesday, 15 January.

The Speaker expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Ukrainian armed forces and people for their selfless fight against the invaders, underscoring that this struggle is not only for Ukraine but also for the freedom of all Europe. Mieriņa highlighted that the visit facilitated meaningful and productive discussions with Ukraine’s top officials, while emphasising the need to explore new ways to provide Ukraine with decisive and sufficient support.

Speaker Mieriņa reaffirmed her commitment to securing additional resources for the Drone Coalition and ensuring that these resources align with Ukraine’s battlefield requirements. She also noted Latvia’s continued allocation of funds this year for the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

Minister Umerov expressed his appreciation for Latvia’s dedication to allocating 0.25 per cent of its GDP annually towards Ukraine’s military support. Speaker Mieriņa remarked that if other European nations adopted a similar commitment, Ukraine’s position would be significantly strengthened.

During their meeting, the Minister of Defence provided an update on the latest developments at the frontlines, highlighting that European and international support for Ukraine had increased in 2024. He stressed that the immediate priority is to solidify positions on the frontlines while accelerating the expansion of military production.

As part of the visit, the Saeima delegation toured the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ unmanned aerial vehicle training centre, where Ukrainian soldiers conduct tests and receive training with drones supplied through the Drone Coalition, an initiative spearheaded by Latvia.

The delegation, led by Speaker Mieriņa, also visited a rehabilitation centre in Kyiv, where severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers are recovering. The centre benefits from the expertise of two specialists who have received training at Latvia’s Vaivari rehabilitation centre.

In addition, the Saeima delegation inspected a railway infrastructure facility, a project supported by World Bank funding for modernisation and improved connectivity. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, Latvia has invested over EUR 25 million in World Bank projects aimed at supporting Ukraine’s reconstruction needs.


Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720323166567/
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Saeima Press Service

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