Speaker of the Saeima in Yerevan: Peace in the South Caucasus is in the interest of us all


We aim to promote security and stability in the South Caucasus region and firmly support the peace process that has been initiated. The peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan will be a significant step that will also promote the region's economic growth and the well-being of its people. This was emphasised by the Speaker of the Saeima, Daiga Mieriņa, on Thursday, 23 January, during a meeting in Yerevan with the President of the Armenian Parliament, the National Assembly, Alen Simonyan. Speaker Mieriņa visited the Armenian Parliament along with the Speakers and Deputy Speakers of the Baltic and Nordic (NB8) parliaments, who are currently on a joint visit to Armenia.

Latvia highly appreciates Armenia's goodwill and consistent approach in striving for a peaceful, long-term resolution to the conflict. A significant step forward has been the progress made in the delimitation of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border on the map, emphasised Speaker Mieriņa. The parliamentarians of the NB8 countries expressed strong support for Armenia's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.

Alen Simonyan expressed that Armenia has firmly committed to democratic reforms and its goal is to deepen cooperation with the European Union in all areas.

This is a historic visit, where the Baltic and Nordic parliamentarians have come to offer support and encouragement for Armenia's chosen European path. Just as the Nordic countries became mentors for the Baltic States after the restoration of independence, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are now ready to provide the necessary assistance to Armenia, noted the Speaker of the Saeima.

Latvia appreciates Armenia's progress in implementing democratic reforms and is ready to share its experience in reforms and best practices to strengthen Armenia's resilience and capacity for public governance. Armenia's achievements in the rule of law and human rights provide a solid foundation for sustainable development and good governance in the long term.

The Speaker of the Saeima thanked Armenia for its participation in the Third Parliamentary Forum of the International Crimea Platform, which the Saeima, together with the Ukrainian Parliament, organised in Riga last autumn.

From 21 to 25 January, Speaker Daiga Mieriņa, along with other representatives from the NB8 countries, is visiting Armenia. The focus of the visit is on issues related to Armenia's closer integration with Europe and its reform process.

The Baltic States and the Nordic countries share significant cooperation within the NB8 format. It brings together the five Nordic countries – Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden – and the three Baltic states – Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Estonia is represented by Speaker Lauri Hussar, and Lithuania by Deputy Speaker Juozas Olekas. Denmark is represented by Karsten Hønge, a member of the Parliamentary Presidium, Norway by Speaker Masud Gharahkhani, Finland by Speaker Jussi Halla-Aho, and Sweden by Deputy Speaker Kenneth G Forslund.

The NB8 format regularly hosts meetings between prime ministers, parliamentarians, ministers, and other officials. It is customary for the NB8 format to organise visits to countries outside the region to raise issues of democracy, peace, and the rule of law, as well as to share best practices for the reform process.

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