Daiga Mieriņa: EU Membership strengthens national identity, not opposes it


Latvia welcomes Armenia’s decision to pursue the path of European integration and is ready to provide the necessary political and practical support for this endeavour. This was stated by the Speaker of the Saeima, Daiga Mieriņa, on Thursday, 23 January, during a meeting in Yerevan with the President of Armenia, Vahagn Khachaturyan.

The Speaker of the Saeima, together with the Speakers and Deputy Speakers of the Baltic and Nordic (NB8) parliaments, is visiting Armenia to express support for the country’s sovereignty, its path toward democratic reforms, and its deepening cooperation with the European Union (EU).

The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised the importance of dispelling myths about EU membership for potential member states: “It does not conflict with your nation’s individual identity; it only enhances it.”

Latvia’s experience demonstrates that EU membership does not mean abandoning national values, culture, or identity, but rather strengthens them. “We have witnessed this over 20 years of EU membership and feel equally proud to be both Latvians and Europeans,” Speaker Mieriņa stressed.

“We strongly support the strengthening of dialogue between Armenia and the EU and are pleased with the positive dynamics of their relationship,” said the Speaker of the Saeima.

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