Speaker Mieriņa: Ukraine and Europe must be present at peace talks deciding our future


“Ukraine and Europe must be present at the peace negotiations where the future of Ukraine—and our future—is decided. Europe does not benefit from a frozen conflict or a mere ceasefire. Europe is solely interested in reaching a peace agreement. Ukraine’s independence must never become a bargaining chip in the hands of global superpowers,” emphasised Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Monday, 24 February, at the extraordinary parliamentary sitting convened to commemorate three years since the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“War spares no one. It leaves indelible scars and robs people of their most precious possession—their life,” said the Speaker of the Saeima, pointing out that the war continues to ravage Ukraine, and we have been its witnesses for three years—or over 26 000 hours—already.

“The war is right next to us. It is absolutely clear that the world will never be the same again,” stated Mieriņa, noting that global superpowers are currently trying to remap their spheres of influence in Ukraine, thus inevitably affecting security and peace in Europe. “We desire peace, but we have not adequately prepared for it yet. The new reality requires us to take all matters into our own hands. It means investing more in our security, and each one of us must contribute,” stressed the Speaker.

“Europe is strong enough to continue supporting Ukraine, even if others choose not to,” expressed Speaker Mieriņa, underlining that now, more than ever, Ukraine needs financial resources and weapons to ensure it holds the strongest possible position in peace negotiations with the aggressor. Support must be flexible, and aid must not be delayed by European bureaucracy. “Europe must mobilise all its forces and resources right now,” urged the Speaker of the Saeima.

Daiga Mieriņa highlighted the need for continuing and strengthening the sanctions policy initiated by Europe against the aggressor. The aggressor’s financial assets in European banks should not be frozen—instead, they must be confiscated and made available for Ukraine. “What we need right now is political will and desire for action,” underscored the Speaker.

Speaker Mieriņa affirmed that Latvia would remain a stable and reliable partner for Ukraine. “Security is the top priority, and EU’s Eastern flank should be the strongest and most secure region within the Alliance,” said the Speaker of the Saeima, vouching for continuous steadfast support for Ukraine’s further integration into the EU and NATO.

The Speaker thanked all the people of Latvia for their selflessness and humanity, and for understanding that even the smallest act of kindness brings hope. “Together we are an unbreakable force,” she said, calling on people not to grow weary, and wishing that the spirit and resilience of the Ukrainian people be the reason for our unwavering support—today, tomorrow, and always.

In his remote address to the Latvian parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Ukrainian parliament, emphasised that Latvia is among the countries that believed in Ukraine since the first days of the war. Thanks to your comprehensive support, we managed not just to persist, but also to keep fighting for our Ukrainian land. You are not just our allies, but true friends, who stay by our side in the darkest of times, expressed Stefanchuk.

Ukraine is continuing its fight for independence, territorial integrity, democratic values, and freedom. We will never give up on this fight, no matter how hard on us it might be, affirmed the Chairman of the Ukrainian parliament.

Despite the war, accession to the European Union is Ukraine’s main objective, noted Stefanchuk, recognising Latvia’s political, diplomatic, and practical support for achieving this goal. Ukraine needs security guarantees, and we are willing to make a significant contribution to strengthening Euro-Atlantic security, stated the Chairman of the Ukrainian parliament.

Evika Siliņa, Prime Minister of Latvia, also addressed the participants of the extraordinary sitting.


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Saeima Press Service

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