Solvita Āboltiņa to President of Israel: the Jewish community is a vibrant and integral part of Latvian society


“The Jewish community has become a vibrant and integral part of Latvian society. It is very important for people of all ethnicities to feel comfortable in Latvia and to maintain their culture and traditions whilst still remaining loyal to Latvia’s statehood and independence,” Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, said on Tuesday, 30 July, when meeting in the Saeima with Shimon Peres, President of Israel, who is on an official visit to Latvia. During the meeting, the Speaker of the Saeima pointed out that Latvia’s Jewish community recently celebrated its 450th anniversary and is the second largest in the Baltic States.

“Diplomatic relations between Latvia and Israel were established twenty years ago, and in this relatively short period of time we have developed active political dialogue, close cooperation in the areas of education and culture, as well as trade relations. I am certain that this visit will also increase the contacts between our countries and people,” said the Speaker of the Saeima when describing the relations between the two countries.

The Speaker of the Saeima pointed out that the Latvian central government and local governments support various activities and projects of the Jewish community, including allocating financing for the restoration of the Riga synagogue, as well as finding appropriate premises for the Riga Jewish Secondary School and for the museum devoted to Jews in Latvia. Āboltiņa expressed gratification that during his visit to Latvia today, President Peres will officially open the memorial for Žanis Lipke – a Latvian who risked his own and his family’s lives to save over 50 Jews during World War II. “I am certain that this will become an important landmark which will remind both locals and guests of the city about the cruel historical events that befell our city and our country during the war,” the Speaker of the Saeima said.

When discussing mutual relations, the Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that cooperation between parliamentarians of both countries is an important instrument in developing these relations. The Saeima has had a group for interparliamentary relations with Israel for 17 years; it is currently chaired by MP Boriss Cilevičs. The line committees of the Saeima are also interested in hosting visits for their colleagues from the Knesset. Both officials mentioned commerce, science and culture as prospective areas for cooperation.

When discussing economic cooperation, both officials agreed that there is a good potential for developing business contacts, investments and mutual trade. Since establishing diplomatic relations, the two countries have signed 15 mutual agreements; also, a direct flight from Riga to Tel Aviv facilitates cooperation between entrepreneurs of both countries. Although mutual trade between Latvia and Israel increased significantly last year, reaching 34 million euros, the trade turnover does not reflect the true business cooperation potential, Āboltiņa said.

During the meeting, the Speaker of the Saeima pointed out that next year will mark 10 years since Latvia is a member of the European Union (EU) and NATO and in the first half of 2015 we will assume the presidency of the EU. For Latvia as a small country this will be a chance to offer Europe smart solutions and show that we are equal partners to the founding members of the EU.

As a relatively young democracy, Latvia feels a moral obligation to share its experience with other post-soviet countries to help them strengthen democracy and the rule of law, as well as to promote the European integration process, Āboltiņa said. Therefore, one of the priorities during our presidency will obviously be linked to the Eastern Partnership, and the next Eastern Partnership Summit could take place in Riga during Latvia’s presidency, the Speaker of the Saeima said.

During the meeting, the situation in the Middle East was also discussed. Both parties expressed gratification that peace talks between Israel and Palestine have been reopened in Washington this week. The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that Latvia supports the two-state solution and the establishing of a Palestine state that would enjoy peace and security alongside Israel. “Latvia is closely following the developments in the Middle East and stresses the importance of resolving the conflict in a peaceful manner,” Āboltiņa said to the President of Israel.

Photos from the meeting are available at:
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