Āboltiņa at the NGO forum: We are an active, thinking and responsible society that can achieve its goals


The dialogue between society and the state is a path leading to the achievement of jointly set goals. These goals can be reached in the shortest possible period only if we, as an active, thinking and responsible society, join our efforts, said Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Monday, 19 May, at the opening of the 8th Saeima and NGO forum on Involvement, Sustainability, Innovations. 

 Speaker Āboltiņa was pleased to welcome the representatives of NGOs, and she noted that the role of NGOs is increasing in the modern world. Speaker Āboltiņa indicated that the Latvian parliament and NGOs are partners and colleagues who cooperate closely and successfully both at the parliamentary committee level, as well as at the traditional Saeima and NGO forum, which is focused this year on involvement, sustainability and innovation issues.

 The Speaker also indicated that the forum is being held at a special and eventful time – right after the recent celebration of the 10th anniversary of Latvia’s membership in the European Union and right before our state assumes a new level of responsibility in EU politics by undertaking the presidency of the Council of the European Union; this is also a turbulent time for our region and it prompts us consider ways to increase the security of the state and society.

In this context, Solvita Āboltiņa reflected upon her recent working visit to Moldova together with her Nordic and Baltic colleagues. During the visit, she had a chance to address Moldovan NGOs and attest to the role that cooperation with NGO’s has had in strengthening Latvia’s democracy and civil society on our path towards the EU. Latvia’s non-governmental sector understood and supported this goal that was so significant to the state and society, and it took an active part in raising public awareness and shaping public opinion, said the Speaker. She also expressed gratification for our chance to share Latvia’s expertise and experience with countries that need our advice on strengthening democratic processes on their path towards EU integration.

“During recent years, involvement of civil society in shaping EU policy has become a vital and stable form of dialogue between the state and society. Therefore, our immediate task is to look to the future and find ways to shape and develop civil dialogue on a broader level of pan-European and cross-border cooperation. This task is particularly significant during preparations for our greatest foreign policy challenge – Latvia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union,” said Speaker Āboltiņa. She emphasised that during our presidency, the attention of all of Europe and world will be focused on Latvia, and it will be a chance for us to prove that we can be heard, to show how ambitious we are, and to address on a broader European level issues that are important to our state and society.

In concluding her address, Solvita Āboltiņa noted that representatives of NGOs are the most active part of society; their dialogue with representatives of authorities and facilitation of democratic participation and involvement leads to developing and strengthening civic awareness and public responsibility.


Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 22.oktobrī
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