The Chancellery of the Saeima and the Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova sign a Memorandum of Understanding


The Memorandum of Understanding on support in strengthening the administrative capacity of the Moldovan Parliament, which was signed on Wednesday, 4 August, between the Chancellery of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia and the Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, envisages that during future visits, seminars and conferences, the staff of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova will regularly become acquainted with the experience of the Saeima in EU integration. 

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Mr. Māris Steins, Director of the Chancellery of the Saeima, and Mr. Adrian Fetescu, General Director of the Secretariat of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. The Memorandum envisages using the experience of the Saeima in order to raise the qualification level of the staff of the Moldovan Parliament. Funding from international organisations will be attracted for this purpose.

„Undoubtedly, this sharing of experience will be beneficial for both the staff of the Moldovan Parliament and the Saeima,” said Mr. M. Steins, Director of the Saeima Chancellery. The planned cooperation will cover a broad spectrum of areas, including the experience that Latvia gained in implementing reforms before joining the EU, as well as the work organisation in the Saeima. 

Mr. A. Fetescu, General Director of the Secretariat of the Moldovan Parliament, thanked the Saeima for its willingness to cooperate, and he acknowledged that the experience of the Saeima is very important in improving the work in the Moldovan Parliament. Mr. A. Fetescu indicated that successful administrative work is reflected in the quality of the legislative process. 

This week, a delegation of the staff of the Moldovan Parliament visited the Saeima on a study trip during which it familiarised itself with the work of the Saeima, its experience in EU integration, the structure of the Saeima Chancellery, planning of work, planning of the annual budget and financial audit, personnel management and remuneration system, the role of IT in the daily work of the parliament, as well as activities of the Visitor and Information Centre and other organisation units of the Saeima. The delegation from the Moldovan Parliament is visiting Latvia as part of the UNDP project.

Photos from the ceremony are available at:
Video from the ceremony is available:
When using material for publication, please give credit to the Saeima Chancellery.

Press Service
of the Public Relations Department
of the Parliament of Latvia
Phone.: +371 67087218
Mobile phone.: +371 261 36160 


Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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