The Saeima Chairman and the U.S. Ambassador look back at the NATO PA Riga Session


The Riga Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) was a high-level event with regard to both organisation and content, confirmed Ms. Judith Garber, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to the Republic of Latvia, when meeting Mr. Gundars Daudze, Chairman of the Saeima, on Tuesday, 8 June.

Regarding the NATO PA Spring Session, the Ambassador, on behalf of the U.S. delegation, expressed gratitude to Latvia for hosting it. “The Riga Session was organised excellently. Our delegation was very satisfied with participation in this event,” she declared.

Mr. Daudze appreciated the opportunity offered by the Parliamentary Assembly to discuss vital regional and global policy issues with U.S. Democratic Congressman John Tanner, President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. 

“We highly value the participation of the U.S. Congress delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly in Riga. I am truly gratified by so many positive comments about the event in whose organisation we invested considerable effort,” acknowledged Gundars Daudze.

The Saeima Chairman and the Ambassador also discussed the working visit to the U.S. by the chairmen of the Baltic and Nordic parliaments, who visited the U.S. Congress and met influential U.S. officials, including Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Mr. Daudze stressed: “This visit confirmed the good level of parliamentary cooperation between the Baltic and the Nordic countries, as well as the high degree of importance that our region’s countries attach to shaping transatlantic relations with the United States.”

Photos from the meeting:
Video from the meeting:
For public use of any material, please give credit to the Saeima Chancellery

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of the Parliament of Latvia
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Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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