Exhibition devoted to events that took place in Georgia in August 2008 is opened at the Parliament of Latvia


On Tuesday, 22 September, Gundars Daudze, Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of Latvia (the Saeima), and David Darchiashvili, Chairman of the European Integration Committee of the Georgian Parliament, opened a photo exhibition devoted to the events that took place in Georgia in August 2008. 

“I believe that we still very well remember events that took place in August 2008. It was a time when the entire world heard and saw news about the events in Georgia. We were surprised and even shocked that such a military confrontation is possible in 21st -century Europe,” said the Speaker of the Saeima at the opening of the exhibition. 

Gundars Daudze indicated that it was also an alarming and tense period in Latvia and the Latvian Parliament. Already on 11 August, Speakers of the parliaments of the three Baltic States adopted a joint statement on the situation in Georgia. Three days later at its extraordinary meeting, the Saeima adopted a statement on Russia’s military attack on Georgia. On 28 August, a joint press statement was adopted by the Speakers of the Nordic and Baltic parliaments. 

“Last August we realised and understood that our membership in NATO is our security guarantee. To a certain extent this was a decisive moment for those who doubted the usefulness of our membership in the largest international security organisation,” continued Gundars Daudze. 

David Darchiashvili, Chairman of the European Integration Committee of the Georgian Parliament, acknowledged that Georgia remembers very well the stance taken by Latvia during those dramatic events; he expressed gratitude for support to Georgia provided by Latvia and the international community. He noted: “You helped us in times of trouble; furthermore, you continue to assist us on our way to Europe and help us to reform our political, economic and social system.”

David Darchiashvili addressed all the attendees: “The photos displayed in this exhibition may seem shocking and unpleasant, but this is life, this is our history, and we must face it with our eyes wide open.” 

The exhibition features 23 photographs and three large-scale banners with graphic and textual information on the Russian-Georgian military conflict. Fifteen of the photographs were taken by the Georgian photographer Georgi Abdaladze; the rest of the photographs depicting immortalised historic evidence belong to the Interpress News press agency.

Photos taken at the opening of the exhibition are available on: www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/ . 

Press Service
of the Public Relations Department
of the Parliament of Latvia
Phone.: +371 67087218
Mobile phone.: +371 261 36160 
E-mail: prese@saeima.lv

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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15:30  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Mediju politikas apakškomisijas sēde
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