Saeima establishes liability for aggressive behaviour towards other people


To reduce people’s manifestations of aggression towards other members of the society, on Thursday, 31 March, the Saeima adopted in the third reading amendments that establish liability for aggressive behaviour. 

Administrative liability may now be imposed for aggressive behaviour that disturbs the peace of another person in the form of threats of harm against the health or sexual integrity of the person or their relatives if there is reason to fear that the threat may be realised. A fine of 14 to 100 units of fine may be imposed for such offence. One unit of fine is five euros.

The same fine is stipulated in the case of a threat to a person’s financial interests if there is reason to fear that the threat may be carried out, as well as in the case of stalking, which includes tracking, surveillance, and unwanted, obtrusive, and disturbing communication.

As stated in the summary of the Draft Law, administrative liability will be imposed regardless of whether the aggression is carried out in-person or via remote communication, including letters, publishing information on social media, or other activities aimed at creating a sense of insecurity.

Administrative liability can now be imposed regardless of the aim of aggression. Additionally, the reason for the aggressive behaviour will not matter, be it related to personal dispute, professional activity, or position held.

In addition to these amendments, the Saeima also established administrative liability for the use of symbols of military aggression and war crimes in public events. Such violation shall be subject to a warning or a fine of up to 70 units of fine for a natural person, or up to 580 units of fine for a legal person.


Saeima Press Service

Ceturtdien, 28.novembrī
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