Ukrainian women in Latvia will be entitled to state-funded termination of pregnancy


On Thursday, 21 April, the Saeima adopted an urgent amendment to the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians. The amendment grants Ukrainian women fleeing the war the right to receive state-funded termination of pregnancy and the related healthcare services at an in-patient or out-patient clinic of a medical treatment institution in Latvia.

The women wishing to terminate a pregnancy caused by the conditions, including sexual violence, of the armed conflict waged by Russia in Ukraine will not require a certificate issued by a law enforcement authority or an approval of a medical council. The amendment also stipulates that termination of pregnancy is permitted within less than 72 hours following the issue of a referral for termination of pregnancy.

The Law will enter into force on the day following its promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Ceturtdien, 28.novembrī
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