Speaker of the Saeima thanks honorary consuls of Latvia for their contribution in representing the interests of our state around the world


“Thank you for your personal contribution in representing Latvia’s interests around the world! We here in Latvia genuinely appreciate the work you are doing,” Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, said on Monday, 1 July, when meeting with the honorary consuls of Latvia at the Saeima. 

The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that it is a true pleasure to know that the work of our foreign service and diplomats is being supported by such a large group of friends, who have chosen to devote their time and employ their experience, skills and contacts to promote the relations of the state of Latvia and its business community with the world at large.

“We gain invaluable feedback from you about how the world views us and what we could still improve upon at home so that Latvia as a state and our businesses would be more successful and effective competitors in the global market,” Speaker Mieriņa highlighted.

The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that, in the face of the current geopolitical challenges, friendships are valued more than ever and our priorities are crystal clear – and they are security and the economy.

In regard to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Speaker Mieriņa stressed that the threat posed by Russia can be stopped and that it is crucial that we react and respond together.

“We are part of the world’s strongest military alliance – NATO. Moreover, today NATO covers our whole region, including Sweden and Finland. Everyone in the alliance is fully aware that our collective security relies on our common abilities to uniformly secure every square centimetre of the alliance’s territory. Our actions and decisions are a guarantee for peace and stability in our region,” Speaker Mieriņa said.

Honorary consuls represent Latvia and perform consular functions on a voluntary basis. The honorary consuls of Latvia represent Latvia’s interests throughout all the regions of the world – Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Latvia has more than 170 honorary consuls in various countries around the world, and they represent various areas of business.

Meetings of honorary consuls are held in Riga bi-annually since 2002. These meetings have become a tradition allowing Latvia to promote its economic, cultural and consular cooperation, especially with states where Latvia does not have diplomatic representation.

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720318382677/with/53827630831
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Saeima Press Service

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