Gundars Daudze to Moldavian Speaker: Eastern Partnership and support to Moldova remain strategic priorities for Latvia


On Friday, 9 September, during his working visit to Moldova, Gundars Daudze, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, met with Andrian Candu, Speaker of the parliament of Moldova. “Latvia and Moldova are engaged in an active political dialogue and constructive parliamentary cooperation. The Eastern Partnership continues to be Latvia’s strategic priority,” the Deputy Speaker of the Saeima confirmed to Andrian Candu.

Deputy Speaker Daudze congratulated Speaker Candu on the 25th anniversary of Moldova’s independence and stressed that Latvian representatives are attending the celebration to show that Latvia is not only a cooperation partner to Moldova, but also a true friend.
Gundars Daudze urged Moldova to continue the on-going reforms and public awareness-raising campaigns focusing on the benefits of these reforms to ensure wider support for decisions made in the. The Deputy Speaker of the Saeima assured that Latvia and the Saeima are ready to continue sharing our reform experience, in particular in areas such as regional development, legal framework, border security and communication between the government and the public.

“By appointing a resident ambassador to Moldova, Latvia has given a great impetus to further deepening cooperation between our states,” said Gundars Daudze. In addition, establishing of a parliamentary friendship group with Latvia by the Moldavian parliament and the existing Saeima group for interparliamentary relations with Moldova form an excellent platform for strengthening ties between the parliamentarians in both countries. The Deputy Speaker confirmed the willingness of the Saeima to continue to exchange experience with the parliament of Moldova, thus building on the visits in 2014 and 2015 when members and staff of the parliament of Moldova visited the Saeima to observe the work of its committees and public information strategies.

During the meeting, Deputy Speaker Daudze passed on an invitation from Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, to the speaker of the Moldovan parliament to come to Latvia on an official visit. 

Current Moldovan domestic issues, including the upcoming presidential election, were also discussed at the meeting.

The Deputy Speaker of the Saeima is on a working visit to Moldova where he is attending the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of Moldova. During the visit, Deputy Speaker Daudze will also visit the Latvian Embassy and meet with Atis Lots, our first resident ambassador to Moldova. Daudze will also meet with Valery Dragnev, Latvia’s honorary consul, and various Latvian specialists working in Moldova.

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Saeima Press Service

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