Speaker Mūrniece discusses reform progress with state officials in Moldova


Consistent continuation of the reforms is the only option for Moldova to advance toward the European Union; however, the reforms are even more important for the people of Moldova, said Ināra Mūrnieces, Speaker of the Saeima, during a meeting with Adrian Candu, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, and Iurie Leancă, Deputy Prime Minister, in Chisinau, Moldova.

Tangible results of the reforms in Moldova are a prerequisite for regaining the trust of the European Union and receiving its support, said Speaker Mūrniece, adding that the Council of the European Union had just reiterated its commitment to strengthening relations with Moldova.

Speaker Mūrniece stated that Latvia would continue its steadfast support to Moldova and the Eastern Partnership within the European Union, pointing out that, in the area of development cooperation, Latvia’s focus has been on Moldova for more than a decade. “It is with great satisfaction that we see so many Latvian experts currently working in Moldova, providing their expertise and supporting the reform process in the country”, Speaker said.

Speaker Mūrniece applauded the active political dialogue between Latvia and Moldova, which includes the parliamentary dimension. She confirmed the Saeima’s preparedness to further share Latvia’s experience with the Parliament of Moldova, and urged to build on the opportunities offered by the EU-Moldova Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement in promoting closer economic ties between the two countries.

Until 2 March, Speaker Mūrniece is on a visit to Chisinau, where she is attending the interparliamentary conference “Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine: Eastern Partnership and Current Security Challenges”, and meeting Moldavian state officials, the Latvian diaspora, and Valeriu Dragnev, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia.


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Saeima Press Service

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