Families with children with disabilities to become eligible for the Honorary Family Certificate as of 1 May


On Thursday, 25 February, the Saeima approved in the final reading urgent amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Children’s Rights stipulating that, as of 1 May, Honorary Family Certificates are also to be issued to families with children with disabilities.

These amendments finally bring increased awareness and support to families raising children under the age of 24 with group I or II disability, emphasised Andris Skride, Chair of the Social and Employment Matters Committee, which is responsible for advancing the Draft Law in the Saeima.

At the moment, the Honorary Family Certificate is issued to families with at least three children, but sometimes taking care of a special needs child can be just as demanding as raising several children. In cooperation with the relevant ministries, the Committee will continue working on solutions in the form of different support mechanisms to provide greater state and municipal support to large families and families with children with disabilities to assist their everyday needs, noted Skride.

Currently, the State implements the Latvian Honorary Family Certificate programme, within which special cards are issued by the Society Integration Foundation. The cards offer discounts on services provided by state and private companies.

By extending the right to receive the Honorary Family Certificate to families with children with disabilities, the State confirms its interest and willingness to support and appreciate the contribution of parents in raising their children, expressed the authors of the Draft Law.

Most support measures provided by the State and local governments are only available to families who have been granted the status of low-income or poor families. Consequently, many families who are raising a child with a disability and whose income exceeds the set minimum threshold cannot receive the support, pointed out the authors of the amendments in the explanatory note of the Draft Law. 

Last year, more than 8 400 children with disabilities were registered in Latvia, according to the information provided by the State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability in the explanatory note of the Draft Law.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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