Saeima adopts amendments to the Immigration Law


On Thursday, 2 September, the Saeima adopted in the third reading amendments to the Immigration Law, including the provisions for ensuring the right to employment for foreigners who have submitted an application requesting the status of a refugee or alternative status in Latvia, if the decision regarding the granting of such status has not been made within three months from the submission of the application.

In addition, amendments have been adopted concerning the procedures for appealing a decision to include a foreigner in the list of persons for whom entry in Latvia is prohibited. From now on, the appealing of the decision made by the Minister of Interior will be examined by court, instead of the Office of the Prosecutor General. In the decision to include a person in the list, a justification must be included, so far as the inclusion of a justification is proportionate to the objective.

The Saeima also adopted in the third reading amendments whereby an accredited educational institution has an obligation to, without delay, but not later than within three working days, inform in writing the State Border Guard if a foreigner who has received a temporary residence permit for the purpose of receiving education has discontinued their studies or their student status has been revoked. The educational institution must also inform the State Border Guard if the foreigner has missed classes for 14 consecutive days without a justifiable reason and cannot be contacted.


Saeima Press Service

Ceturtdien, 20.februārī
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