Baltic Speakers of Parliament call for Ukraine to be granted EU candidate status as soon as possible


In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, 8 March, the Speakers of Parliament of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania expressed their support for Ukraine’s efforts on its way to the European Union (EU) and called for Ukraine to be granted the EU candidate status as soon as possible.

It would be a powerful and effective response to Russia's military aggression as well as to Ukraine's request for help at this difficult time for the country, stated the Speakers of the Baltic Parliaments.

The Statement, signed by Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, Jüri Ratas, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia, and Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, expresses readiness to provide broad support for Ukraine on its path towards becoming a full-fledged EU Member State.

Additionally, the Baltic Speakers call upon the parliaments of other EU Member States to do the same and urge governments to start taking practical steps towards Ukraine's EU membership.

Together we are stronger, emphasise the Speakers of the Baltic Parliaments, noting that a swift response to Ukraine's application for EU membership would also strengthen the security and stability of the EU itself.

Ukraine is fighting not only for its own future, but for the future of the entire Europe. We need to use every possible option to help Ukraine protect its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as set out in the Statement, which expresses solidarity with Ukraine and strongly condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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