Saeima establishes responsibility for using illegal systems to access banned television channels


On Thursday, 10 March, the Saeima in the second and final reading supported the urgent amendments to the Protected Service Law. They are designed to reduce the use of illegal devices, programs or other solutions to access audio-visual services, and to strengthen the Latvian information space.

"Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we need to work more actively on strengthening the Latvian information space. Practice shows that by using illegal systems such as illegal decoders and satellite dish code cards, people are still gaining access to television channels containing disinformation, Kremlin propaganda, and whose distribution in Latvia has already been banned by the National Electronic Mass Media Council. With these amendments, we make it clear that a person can be held accountable for the use of such technical solutions," said Artuss Kaimiņš, Chair of the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee responsible for the progress of the draft law in the Saeima.

It is stipulated that the installation, setting-up or use of an illegal system for personal purposes will be subject to a warning or a fine of up to one hundred forty penalty units, i.e. EUR 700.

Given that consumers are often unaware of the use of illegal systems, along with the introduction of administrative responsibility, the public should be informed about illegal equipment and the ban on their use. It is necessary to emphasise that illegal equipment can be detected without entering the premises, that is, remotely, says the explanatory note to the draft law.

Amendments to the Protected Service Law will come into force on the day following their promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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