Saeima adopts statement on no-fly zone over Ukraine and measures to limit Russia’s aggression


On Thursday, 17 March, the Saeima unanimously adopted a statement on establishing a no‑fly zone over the territory of Ukraine and measures to limit Russia’s aggression, taking into consideration the resolution of the President of Ukraine calling to establish a no‑fly zone over the airspace of Ukraine.

In the statement, MPs express strong support for Ukraine, its defenders, and the people of Ukraine fighting for their country against the aggressive warfare initiated by the Russian Federation. MPs also affirm the unwavering support of the Republic of Latvia for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Members of the Saeima emphasise that the unjustifiable and unprovoked invasion of the Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine is a gross violation of the Russian Federation’s commitments and the international law and constitutes an attack on the law‑based international world order.

In the statement, the Saeima concludes that the Russian Federation, pursuing an invasion into the territory of Ukraine and engaging in further military aggression, employs increasingly inhumane tactics and weapons, civilians are being attacked, and civil infrastructure objects are shelled on a large scale. MPs remind of the Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organisation (UN) concerning the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, and point out that the UN International Court of Justice adopted a statement on 16 March 2022, demanding that the Russian Federation stop its invasion of Ukraine, expressing deep concern about the use of military force by Moscow.

Members of the Saeima call on the UN Member States to take immediate action towards a no‑fly zone over Ukraine in order to protect the lives of Ukrainians and guarantee security in the airspace over Ukrainian nuclear power plants. In addition, the statement calls for action to ensure safe humanitarian corridors in the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible.

In the statement, the Saeima urges democratic nations to close their airspace and seaports to the airplanes and ships of the Russian Federation; in addition, MPs urge NATO and EU member states to increase their support for Ukraine by delivering military equipment and defence weapons to help Ukraine defend its territory against the aggressor.

Latvian parliamentarians call on the European Union to increase sanctions against the Russian Federation until it stops the warfare against Ukraine and withdraws its troops from the territory of Ukraine. MPs point out that the sanctions should also target Belarus, which is to be considered jointly liable for the war initiated by Russia against Ukraine.

“Civilians and civil infrastructure are shelled on a large scale. It is the duty of the international community to do what it takes to end this immediately. Safe humanitarian corridors are urgently needed to prevent a humanitarian disaster, to prevent mass deaths of civilians,” noted Rihards Kols, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima, responsible for drafting the statement.

In the statement, Members of the Saeima express solidarity with the people of Ukraine and affirm that they are standing with Ukrainians in the fight for the sovereignty and security of their state.



Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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