Ināra Mūrniece: education is the backbone of a critically thinking and active civic society


“Education is the basis for a harmonious, critically thinking, socially active and economically successful civic society. Education is also of great importance in building a resilient and viable society," said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, on Friday, 13 May, opening the conference of the Baltic Assembly (BA) and the Baltic Council of Ministers “Education, Science and Innovation — key to sustainable and prosperous regional development in the Baltic States”.

“The new era requires the preparation of high-skilled specialists in the fields of natural sciences. It is in the interest of our country to focus the interests of the young people on engineering, telecommunications, biotechnologies, information technologies and other applied sciences," said I.Mūrniece.

Speaker Mūrniece noted that the three Baltic countries should ensure adequate funding for education and science. Scientists from the Baltic States should cooperate, develop joint programmes and, as a region, be involved in European programmes. Discussing the Baltic States’ cooperation and the BA’s efforts to strengthen it, I.Mūrniece particularly highlighted the automatic mutual recognition of higher education diplomas in the Baltic States, as well as the establishment of the Baltic Group within the European Nuclear Research Organisation CERN. The Speaker of the Saeima also called for the strengthening of cooperation with the Benelux countries.

“For our society to plan its future and to develop peacefully, security is needed,” she said, noting that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a blatant attack on all who value freedom, life, truth and the rule of law.

I.Mūrniece thanked the BA for the support provided to Ukraine. “It is in our interests for Ukraine to gain a complete victory. We have realised that Ukraine must be supported in every possible way to bring its victory closer, because without it there can be no lasting peace in Europe,” said I.Mūrniece, encouraging the participants of the conference to seek possibilities of promoting cooperation with Ukrainian scientists and engineers.

Jānis Vucāns, President of the BA, in his address emphasised that we are currently living in dangerous times. “Our thoughts are with Ukraine, and we will continue to help the Ukrainians in this fight, using all the means available to us,” said J.Vucāns.

“Education, science and innovations are crucial for the development of each country, region and the world as a whole. The main goal of the Baltic States for a long time has been sustainable and prosperous regional development," said J.Vucāns, emphasising that significant achievements in science and technological development have been possible only thanks to cooperation between scientists, entrepreneurs and the public sector, as well as large-scale scientific and technological organisations.

The Baltic States share close historical and cultural ties, but close cooperation in all areas of common interest still needs to be promoted, said J.Vucāns, underscoring the role of the BA in strengthening cooperation.

The participants of the conference were also addressed remotely by the Minister of Education and Science Anita Muižniece and the Minister of Economics Jānis Vitenbergs.


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