Lilac variety “Freedom” dedicated to Saeima’s centenary


On Thursday, 26 May, the Saeima hosted a ceremonial event naming a new lilac variety dedicated to the centenary of the Saeima. The new variety is named “Freedom” (Brīve). It conveys a symbolic message about the commitment to our country’s greatest values — freedom, independence and democracy. 

We are happy to mark the centenary of the Saeima with something living and green, something that brings joy to people — a new variety of lilacs, said Speaker of the Saeima Ināra Mūrniece. “When considering something beautiful and lasting, which would embody the centenary of the Saeima, we had different ideas until we agreed on the lilac. We love lilacs in Latvia. They grow in every farmstead, they adorn urban greenery, parks, residential yards and public spaces,” said Speaker of the Saeima. 

Speaker Mūrniece thanked the Institute of Horticulture, where the new lilac variety was selected, under the leadership of the Institute’s leading researcher Sarmīte Strautiņa. At the event, a plaque was handed over to the Institute of Horticulture with an inscription detailing the cause in honour of which the new lilac variety was created. It will be located next to the new specimen in the lilac garden of the Institute of Horticulture in Dobele. 

“Let the lilac thrive and bloom along with Latvia,” said Speaker Mūrniece. 

Inese Ebele, Director of the Institute of Horticulture, noted that lilacs are part of our country’s identity. Their selection is a long and demanding process taking at least 20 years from the start of work on a new lilac to the moment when the variety is created and named. Today we celebrate the naming of the lilac variety “Freedom”. It produces large, white, large, discreet, yet fragrant blossoms, said I.Ebele. 

A stylised lilac flower in the centre, surrounded by the semicircle-shaped amphitheatre of the Parliament, is also featured in the celebratory logo of the centenary of the Saeima. 

On 7 November 1922, the first Saeima convened for its first sitting, also bringing into force the fundamental law of Latvia — the Constitution (Satversme). 

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