Gifts from Saeima Christmas charity campaign on the way to children in Ukrainian rehabilitation centre


On Thursday, December 22, a Christmas workshop was opened near the building of the Saeima, where everyone was invited to participate in sending jolly greetings to children in Ukraine.

Accompanied by Ukrainian folk music, Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, members of the Presidium, MPs, and the parliamentary employees, joined by representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine, painted icing on gingerbread prepared by chef Raimonds Zommers.

The participants also created greeting cards, which together with the gifts provided by the Parliament’s charity campaign will travel to children from the Udaitsi Education and Rehabilitation Centre. More than 70 school-age children live and study there, almost half of them with special needs.

The workshop also featured a performance by the children’s ensemble of Riga Ukrainian Secondary School.

Every December, the Saeima organises a Christmas charity campaign, providing festive gifts for children in particular in need of support. This year the Speaker of the Saeima called for help for children and young people in war-torn Ukraine.

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Saeima Press Service

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