Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica: Latvia has steadfastly supported Ukraine during its Presidency at the Council of Europe


During its Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, Latvia has steadfastly supported Ukraine, actively working to ensure that justice would prevail, highlighted Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima and Head of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). On Tuesday, 21 November, the Latvian delegation to PACE met with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the results of Latvia’s Presidency. 

Kalniņa-Lukaševica noted that the Presidency occurred during a challenging period of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. “We paid special attention to the issue of Russia’s accountability, and one of the most important achievements of the Latvian Presidency is the launch of the Register of Damage. This is also an important step towards the establishment of an international compensation mechanism,” emphasised Kalniņa‑Lukaševica. 

Russia has kidnapped 20 thousand Ukrainian children, and only a few of them have been returned home, stressed Kalniņa-Lukaševica, underlining that this significant matter also received attention during the Presidency. Latvian and Ukrainian delegations jointly organised an international discussion seeking solutions on how to reunite Ukrainian children with their families. Through collaborative efforts, an ad hoc committee has been established at PACE, with its first meeting scheduled for 15 December 2023 in Paris, to be attended by representatives and experts from the Latvian delegation. 

Serious challenges for Latvia during its Presidency included strengthening the role and influence of the Council of Europe, addressing current challenges in the field of human rights, and, of course, providing support to Ukraine within the organisation. During this time, Latvia hosted 17 international conferences and high-level events. The Council of Europe’s campaign for the safety of journalists was also launched during this period, calling on Council of Europe’s member states to implement national plans and mechanisms for ensuring journalist safety. Other important priorities were implemented as well, including strengthening democracy and the rule of law, promoting freedom of speech and journalist safety, advancing the digital agenda of the Council of Europe, and pursuing organisational reforms, noted Kalniņa-Lukaševica. 

Latvia’s Presidency in the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers concluded on 15 November, with Liechtenstein becoming the next presiding state. 

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