Baltic Assembly Prize for Science awarded to Dr. art. Arnolds Laimonis Klotiņš


On Thursday, 23 November, Dr. art. Arnolds Laimonis Klotiņš received the Baltic Assembly (BA) Prize for Science at the award ceremony in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. The Prize was awarded for his monographs Mūzika pēckara staļinismā: Latvijas mūzikas dzīve un jaunrade 1944–1953 (Music in Post-war Stalinism: Latvian Music Life and Creativity 1944–1953) and Mūzika bēgļu gaitās: Latviešu mūzikas dzīve un jaunrade pēckara Eiropā 1944–1951 (Music in Exodus: Latvian Musical Life and Creative Work in Post-war Europe 1944–1951).

The BA Prize for Literature was awarded to poet and translator Antanas A. Jonynas for the collection of sonnets Naujieji sonetai (New Sonnets), and the BA Prize for the Arts was awarded to artist Peeter Laurits for his outstanding and versatile artistic creation and for his project Biotoopia.

The prizewinners were chosen by nine literature, science, and art experts from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The monetary value of each prize is EUR 5000. The BA Prize was established in 1994 and since then has been awarded to several well-known scientists, artists, and cultural workers.

In addition, the Baltic Innovation Prize was awarded to the Estonian company GScan, which performs 3D scanning and chemical composition analysis using naturally occurring radiation without damaging humans or the environment. The Baltic Innovation Prize diplomas were awarded to Lithuanian company Vilimed specialising in the development, certification, and commercialisation of innovative medical devices, and Latvian company InPass, one of the leading Baltic producers of smart monitoring solutions for recording work hours and other needs.

The Baltic Assembly medals for upholding the unity and cooperation of the Baltic States were also presented at the ceremony. One medal was awarded to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, to honour the heroes of Ukraine defending the free world and human values, prevailing against Russia on the battlefield and recapturing the occupied territories, and for Zelenskyy’s own merits in the fight for freedom and independence, which is also a fight for the freedom of the Baltic States and Europe.

Additional medals were awarded to Christine Bogaert, Secretary General of the Benelux Parliament; Aiva Plauča, long-time teacher at the Riga Estonian Primary School; Guntars Godiņš, poet and translator; and Toms Torims, former Chair of the CERN Baltic Group.

Urve Tiidus, former Head of the Estonian delegation to the Baltic Assembly, and Evelin Krõlov, Director of the Department of North and Central Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, also received BA medals.

Moreover, medals were awarded to Orinta Leiputė, member of the BA Presidium, and Linas Slušnys, member of the Lithuanian delegation to the BA.

The award ceremony took place on Thursday, 23 November, on the eve of the 42nd session of the Baltic Assembly. MPs from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania gathered in Tallinn to discuss the economic impact of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. Parliamentarians considered the possibility of combining the capacities of the three Baltic States to strengthen the region’s resilience in response to increased economic and energy market pressures.


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