Speaker Mieriņa to ambassadors of EU member states to Latvia: integration into a shared space of security and values has fostered our growth and development


“It seems unbelievable that a country can transform from an occupied state to a strong and developed member of the European Union and NATO within a single generation. Our integration into a shared space of security and values has fostered our growth and development. It has allowed democratic values and principles to take deep roots within our society,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Wednesday, 8 May, addressing the ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the European Union member states to the Republic of Latvia. The ambassadors gathered in the Parliament on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s accession to the European Union.

“Today, we all need the same courage and wisdom, supporting Ukraine against Russia’s aggression and deciding on inviting Ukraine and Moldova, and other candidate countries into a shared space of freedom, values, and security,” stated Mieriņa.

When discussing Latvia’s internal and foreign policy priorities, the Speaker of the Saeima stressed that our absolute priority is internal and external security. One in which our own contributions are complemented and reinforced by a united action of NATO allies through military presence in Latvia and in the region, appropriate NATO military planning and deployment of critical capabilities in the region. Mieriņa noted Latvia’s targeted approach to strengthening the defence budget, which currently represents almost 3 % of the GDP, as well as the reestablishment of the State Defence Service and the creation of the Selonia Military Training Area. The Speaker of the Saeima thanked the countries who have stationed troops in Latvia, strengthening the security of our region.

The promotion of economic growth in the country, as well as support to Ukraine, and the need to contain the Russian aggression were also highlighted as priorities. “We believe in Ukraine’s victory,” stressed the Speaker of the Saeima, pointing out the need to strengthen joint military assistance and the European military industry as a whole.

Mieriņa emphasised the need to sever economic ties with Russia and Belarus, the decisions taken by the Saeima to achieve this goal, as well as the reinforced measures against the circumvention of sanctions: “With our example in supporting Ukraine, we want to lead the way for our allies.” The Speaker of the Saeima noted that Latvia devotes 0.25 % of its GDP to Ukraine’s military support.

“This year, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s membership in the European Union and NATO. Seeing the current Russian aggression in Europe, we are even more acutely aware of the importance of our society and politicians working together at the time to integrate into these organisations,” said the Speaker of the Saeima, noting that, if not for this historic decision, today, we might be defending our freedom with weapons in hands, like Ukraine, or we might have lost our political sovereignty, like Belarus.

In order to achieve the priorities, the Speaker of the Saeima stressed the need for strong economic growth not only in the country, but also in cooperation with partners. Mieriņa also highlighted close relations with allies in the region and wider Europe, transatlantic ties with the U.S. and Canada, as well as a capable European Union and a strong NATO.

Latvia joined the European Union on 1 May 2004, along with the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.


Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720316782460/
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Saeima Press Service

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