Speaker of the Saeima thanks the King of Spain for his contribution to strengthening security of our region


European security is the most important topic today, therefore Latvia highly appreciates Spain's significant involvement in strengthening the security of the Baltic region, emphasised the Speaker of the Saeima Daiga Mieriņa on Tuesday, June 25, welcoming His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain to the Saeima building. “This is a special event for our countries and is the highest testimony to the excellent relations and cooperation between Latvia and Spain at all levels,” said Speaker Mieriņa, congratulating His Majesty on the 10th anniversary of his accession to the Spanish throne.

The Speaker and the King agreed on security as the most important priority. Spain participates in the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Latvia with soldiers and combat equipment, forming the second largest contingent after Canada – it is represented by more than 500 soldiers. Spain also regularly participates in the Baltic Air Policing Mission. “The presence of your soldiers is highly appreciated by the whole Latvian society,” said Speaker Mieriņa.

The King of Spain stressed the importance of a united European position on defence, including on border protection and migration, stressing the need for the whole of Europe to contribute.

The parties discussed the upcoming NATO Washington Summit in July and highlighted the promotion of member states' security, defence investment and strengthening the capacity of the European military industry as key issues. It is also necessary to mobilise all possible support to expedite Ukraine’s victory: “The Washington Summit should send a clear message about the irreversibility of Ukraine’s integration into NATO,” said Speaker Mieriņa, also welcoming the support provided by Spain to Ukraine and its people.

Speaker Mieriņa and the King were united on the issue of support for Ukraine, stressing that it should be continued for as long as necessary. Mieriņa emphasised that Latvia has committed to dedicate 0.25 per cent of its gross domestic product to Ukraine every year, and urged to agree on concrete support at the level of the European Union.

The parties also discussed the sanctions imposed on Russia, including the new 14th package of sanctions, which includes a ban on the export and transit of manganese ore on the basis of a proposal from Latvia. It is necessary to do everything in our power to weaken the Russian military industry, added Mieriņa. Russia is using every opportunity to try to circumvent sanctions, including through Belarus, and it is important that Belarus is also subject to equally severe sanctions.

The Speaker of the Saeima and the King of Spain agreed that Russia should be held accountable for the crimes committed. As emphasised by Speaker Mieriņa, calling for Russia's containment strategy, Russia will remain a threat to European security even when the war is over.

The King of Spain emphasised that the Baltic States are helping other countries to understand the situation in the region in depth. Spain is interested in getting to know Latvia's experience in the fight against hybrid attacks more closely, said the King of Spain, praising the work of the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence based in Latvia.

The opportunity to strengthen cooperation in the field of military industry was also discussed. Speaker Mieriņa also noted wider opportunities for cooperation in advanced technologies, quantum technology research, and between universities.

The King of Spain highlighted the role of parliamentary dialogue, noting that parliaments play a key role in strengthening democracy and preserving our common European values. The parties expressed their readiness to further strengthen parliamentary contacts, and the Speaker of the Saeima welcomed the proposal for a forum for interparliamentary cooperation between Spain and the Baltic States.

The Deputy Speaker of the Saeima Antoņina Nenaševa and the Chair of the Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee, Deputy Head of the Group for promoting cooperation with the Parliament of Spain Raimonds Bergmanis also participated in the meeting  the King of Spain in the Parliament.


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Saeima Press Service

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