Daiga Mieriņa in Washington, D.C.: At NATO Summit, we expect resolve and unity against Russia’s aggression


It is allied resolve and unity against Russia’s aggression that we expect from the Washington Summit, stated Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, in Washington, D.C., in her address to the speakers of the parliaments of NATO member states. On the eve of the NATO Summit, the parliament speakers of the Alliance’s member states met in the capital of the U.S. to take a stand on Transatlantic security issues and discuss support for Ukraine.

“Today, our security is inseparable from Ukraine’s independence. The most direct long-term threat for NATO is Russia’s aggression, the military manifestation of which Ukraine is currently fighting. By supporting Ukraine, we demonstrate our unwavering resolve against Russia’s aggression,” stressed the Speaker of the Saeima, addressing her counterparts.

Speaker Mieriņa emphasised that, first of all, further investments in deterrence and defence capabilities are required to ensure that every inch of NATO territory is protected. This includes increased defence spending where Latvia is already investing more than 3 per cent of its GDP.

We must demonstrate our resolve against Russia’s aggression with reliable long-term support for Ukraine, underlined the Speaker of the Saeima. Latvia has undertaken to annually provide military aid to Ukraine in the amount of 0.25 per cent of our GDP. The decision on providing long-term support is also a strong signal—a vital message to the people of Ukraine and especially its armed forces about our commitment to support Ukraine until its victory. It is also a message to Russia that our support will not waver with time. Long-term support also includes a clear message that Ukraine’s road to NATO is one-way. Ukraine belongs in NATO.

The Alliance must demonstrate its commitment through the implementation of a comprehensive containment strategy regarding Russia. Speaker Mieriņa acknowledged that the non-military aspects of Russia’s aggression are being experienced in various forms throughout the whole of NATO. Its member states need to improve the abilities to defend their interests and take over the initiative so that we not only respond to Russia’s aggression, but are also able to actively shape the security environment around us.

Speaker Mieriņa is participating in the NATO Parliamentary Summit at the invitation of Mike Johnson, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

On her visit to the U.S., the Speaker of the Saeima is accompanied by Raimonds Bergmanis, Chair of the Saeima Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee and Head of the Latvian delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly.


Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720318620907/
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Saeima Press Service

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