Speaker of the Saeima to Ukrainian children from front-line regions: Love brings us together; our hearts are with you


“Love brings us together. It is a force that helps overcome the most difficult of times. You have endured harrowing experiences, and our hearts are with you. Children and hardships are never just someone else’s responsibility. We stand together to reaffirm our unity and willingness to support one another,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Thursday, 25 July, welcoming Ukrainian children at the Latvian Parliament. The children are participating in summer camps in Latvia to recover from the horrors of war witnessed in their home regions near the front lines.

“Love brings us together, and statehood and responsibility are values that help shape a strong and just society. Latvia is standing side by side with Ukraine, and we are here to lend you our strength in this complicated time,” said Speaker Mieriņa to the Ukrainian children, asserting that the resilience and sacrifices made by heroes would lead to a brighter future.

The Speaker thanked the summer camp organisers for bringing positive and joyful moments to the children affected by the disasters of war, so that they can feel safe and loved. Speaker Mieriņa stated that Latvia will do its utmost to ensure Ukrainian victory and a life of peace and security for all, expressing hope that the Ukrainian children in Latvia feel love, support, and an opportunity to grow and develop with our encouragement.

Today, Ukrainian children from Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, and Kramatorsk, Donbas, visited the Saeima. Some children were forced to leave their homes due to war, several have lost their parents, while other children’s parents are still defending Ukraine. Anatolii Kutsevol, Ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia, also visited the Saeima together with the children.

This week, Ukrainian children are relaxing in the village of Užava. The camp programme includes a visit to the Motor Museum, a tour of Old Riga, and a trip to Ventspils. The recreational camp for children expedition.camp is organised by the Association of Veterans of International Operations of the Latvian Army in cooperation with several entrepreneurs.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 16.oktobrī
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