Speaker Mieriņa to President of Albania: Security is our common priority


For the foreseeable future, security will remain our priority. Keeping in mind the long-term threats posed by Russia, we must promote stronger and closer cooperation. Together, we should not only work on military issues, but also fight against disinformation, information manipulation, and interference in democratic processes, emphasised Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Tuesday, 3 September, at the meeting with Bajram Begaj, President of the Republic of Albania, at the Latvian Parliament.

Latvia highly appreciates Albania’s contribution to Latvia’s security through the participation of Albanian troops in the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup. We see that Albania takes defence investments very seriously, as the country is dedicating at least two percent of its GDP for this purpose, said the Speaker of the Saeima.

Being well acquainted with its aggressive neighbour, Latvia is currently investing significant resources in its defence capabilities, thus strengthening NATO collective security. We must do our utmost to enhance our own defence capabilities. We actively work with the rest of the Baltic States, and currently we are in the process of establishing a unified defence line on our borders with the aggressor state, explained the Speaker.

The President of Albania thanked Latvian soldiers for their participation in the NATO mission in Kosovo, which is very important for maintaining peace and stability in the entire Western Balkan region.

Speaker Mieriņa appreciated Albania’s unequivocal support for Ukraine and awareness of the security threats arising from Russia’s aggression. “Thank you for adopting the exact same sanctions that the EU has imposed on Russia,” said the Speaker.

Regarding the EU enlargement, the Speaker of the Saeima underlined that Latvia supports the integration of Albania and the entire Western Balkan region, calling for further reforms. “Reflecting on our own integration history in the European Union, the path treaded by Latvia and the other Baltic States was not an easy one. It was a long and difficult road spanning more than a decade. After a lengthy occupation period, there was a lot to restructure; we had to change our mindset and learn from the best practices and examples from those European countries that were already ahead of us,” said Speaker Mieriņa, emphasising that Albania can always count on the Baltic States to share their experience and offer advice.

The meeting participants agreed that Latvia and Albania enjoy close bilateral relations and both countries are interested in stronger cooperation. There are good opportunities for economic cooperation, tourism, and other areas, further facilitated by direct flights from Riga to Tirana offered by Latvia’s national airline in summer.

Antoņina Ņenaševa, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, and Jānis Grasbergs, Deputy Secretary of the Saeima, also met with the President of Albania at the Latvian Parliament.


Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720320020316/
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