Ināra Mūrniece welcomes the participants of the Job Shadow Day at the Saeima


Irrespective of the occupation you choose, it is important to preserve the values: integrity, equity, Latvianness, in order for Latvia to exist for centuries to come.  For each of us, Latvia is the big task for the future, said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, on Wednesday, 13 February, to the participants of the Job Shadow Day at the Saeima.

The Speaker expressed her satisfaction on seeing shadows from all regions of Latvia gathered for the Job Shadow Day, including secondary school pupils and primary school children, who filled the Saeima building with new energy and joy of living.

"You were born in a free country, which means so much to my generation that had to experience occupation. We are happy for the opportunities your generation can experience", said I.Mūrniece introducing the youths with the Plenary Chamber of the Saeima and the major national events that have taken place there.

Today, the Job Shadow Day brought together nearly 200 schoolchildren who attended committee meetings and other events scheduled at the Parliament. In addition, the shadows took the traditional family photo with MPs and employees of the Saeima on the Large Marble Staircase.

The Parliament is the most active organisation in the country providing job-shadowing opportunities. The Saeima took part in the Job Shadow Day for the eleventh consecutive year, and over the years, already more than 2 200 schoolchildren have shadowed MPs and the Parliament staff.

The Job Shadow Day is a popular global initiative run by Junior Achievement in the framework of career education for children of all ages from grade 1 to 12. It gives schoolchildren an opportunity to visit different work environments and spend at least four hours following the everyday work of professionals whose occupation they have chosen. The purpose of the Job Shadow Day is to get children acquainted with planning skills, as well as to help them identify their interests, set future career priorities and perspectives.


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Saeima Press Service

Piektdien, 18.oktobrī
09:00  Eiropas lietu komisijas sēde