Speaker Mūrniece: Spain’s contribution to Baltic security is a prime example of allied solidarity


Latvia highly appreciates Spain’s swift response to the changing security situation in Europe and the country’s important contribution to the security of the Baltic region. Spain’s decisive action - increasing its military presence in Latvia - is a prime example of the unity and solidarity of our allies, emphasised Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, on Friday, 8 July, during a meeting at the Latvian Parliament with Meritxell Batet Lamaña, President of the Congress of Deputies of the Kingdom of Spain, and the high level delegation accompanying the President.

Spain has made a truly significant contribution to the strengthening of the Baltic defence capabilities, as Spain has the second largest contingent in the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence battle group at the Ādaži Military Base, and it is also an important contributor to Baltic air policing. As underlined by the Speaker, Spain’s decision to deploy medium range air defence system NASAMS in Latvia is of particular importance, as it provides a new dimension for Latvian defence architecture. To ensure the necessary support for the allied forces, Latvia is committed to the development of a new military base and a large scale military training area.

The President of the Congress of Deputies expressed strong support for allied security, also reaffirming Spain’s readiness to provide all the possible support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s aggression.

The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised the necessity for the democratic world to strengthen the pressure of sanctions on Russia, as well as continue pursuing the policy of Russia’s isolation. Both Parliament Speakers agreed that the war in Ukraine must not turn into a normal state of affairs and disappear from the agenda of the people of Europe and the international community.

Speaker Mūrniece congratulated Spain on the successful NATO Summit held in Madrid. “It is important that NATO speaks clearly and tells things as they are. Russia, with its actions and intentions, is the most serious and direct threat to the Alliance. An appropriate response will follow the new strategic concept to implement NATO’S main objective in practice-to ensure the collective defence of the bloc’s countries,” expressed the Speaker of the Saeima.

Discussing the bilateral cooperation between Latvia and Spain, the Parliament Speakers agreed that it was productive in all areas and provided a major contribution to the development of both countries. An important aspect of our cooperation is within the rail infrastructure project Rail Baltica, as the experience and expert knowledge of Spanish companies are very useful in its implementation, noted the Speaker of the Saeima. In turn, the innovative products of Latvia’s language technology company “Tilde” have already proven their ability in providing large volume translations for European Union institutions, and might be useful for Spain as it prepares for its Presidency in the Council of the European Union.

Raimonds Bergmanis, Member of the Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee of the Saeima, also participated in today’s meeting with the delegation of the Congress of Deputies of the Kingdom of Spain.


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