Art school students launch the Portrait Gallery project in the Saeima


On Thursday, 10 March, the Saeima and the Janis Rozentāls Art High School began their cooperation project, the Portrait Gallery, which enables young artists to draw portraits of MPs and sketches of situations during plenary sittings.

The cooperation project gives prospective artists a chance to develop their talents and at the same time to gain insight into the work of the Saeima. As for MPs, they get a chance to see themselves through the young artists’ eyes.

On 10 March, three students from the art school were sketching situations from the plenary sitting. They were using A3 sheets of paper and pencils or felt-tipped pens to draw portraits of MPs and various scenes. The young artists worked in the Plenary Chamber, where members of government usually sit.

According to the plan, students from the Janis Rozentāls Art High School will regularly make drawings during plenary sittings, and their works will be exhibited inside the buildings of the parliament.

The Saeima and the Janis Rozentāls Art High School have developed close cooperation. For example, in March 2010 the Saeima opened an exhibition of the students’ diploma works, while in November 2010, before the anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, pupils from the Children’s Art School made drawings of interiors of the Saeima decorated for the celebration. These works of young artists were on display in the Visitor and Information Centre of the parliament.

Photos from the 10 March plenary sitting:
When using the material, please give credit to the Saeima Chancellery.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 16.oktobrī
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