Āboltiņa: 21 August 1991 marked Latvia’s complete return to the family of Western states


 On Sunday, 21 August, at the opening of the ceremonial concert that was devoted to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitutional Law On the Statehood of the Republic of Latvia and that was held at the Latvian National Theatre, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, emphasized that with the historic decision which restored Latvia’s independence Latvia 20 years ago, Latvia once again became an internationally recognised state and returned to its historical place – the family of Western democratic states. 

“The decision made on 21 August showed the world that Latvia is ready to be independent and ready to shape its own destiny again. The most important aspect is that you showed the world that you can adopt a decision which was desired by the majority of our people,” indicated the Speaker. She expressed particular gratitude to the members of the Supreme Council who voted for the adoption of the Constitutional Law on 21 August 1991. “Ninety-three years ago in this very place our grandparents gave us a present – our state. But 20 years ago at Jēkaba iela, 111 members of the Supreme Council gave this state back to us,” said Āboltiņa. 

“Today our state is having a celebration, this celebration is primarily in honour of you. Without your courage, your conviction about what you are doing, we wouldn’t be able to celebrate the independent Latvia which was given to us as a present from our grandparents on 18 November 1918. I bow my head before you and extend my gratitude,” said Āboltiņa. 

The Speaker recalled that on 4 May 1990, when the Declaration of Independence was adopted, there was joy in the air; people greeted members of the Supreme Council with flowers and songs. But on 21 August 1991, when the decision on the de facto restoration of Latvia’s independence was made, there were tanks on the streets, Soviet military helicopters above our heads, and the radio and television were not working. “You had enough courage, responsibility and conviction about the significance of this document, about what has to be done for your state and your people,” said Āboltiņa to former members of the Supreme Council. 

Gratitude was also extended to Latvia’s foreign partners. “Without allies the situation would be different. We remember Iceland’s decision to recognise Latvia immediately after the vote of the Supreme Council. We remember the first embassies that were opened here to symbolise an independent country in which there are Western diplomatic missions. We remember the diplomats who worked here without embassies and who knew that it was dangerous to be here. Thank you for that!” said Āboltiņa. 

In her address Āboltiņa welcomed the speakers of the parliaments of Lithuania and Estonia and the Nordic countries who had come to celebrate the anniversary of this significant event together with the people of Latvia. 

In the conclusion of her ceremonial address, the Speaker urged everyone to return to the ideals and values of the time of the Awakening in order to shape Latvia as it was desired by founders of our state in 1918 and which was supported by the members of the Supreme Council 20 years ago, when the courageous decision was made to restore our state. “We have to do that – we have to do that for the sake of our children, grandchildren, our state - our Latvia. I know that we can do it; I know that we will succeed,” exhorted Āboltiņa. 

In the beginning of the concert, the audience was addressed by Velta Čebotarenoka, representative of the members of the Supreme Council, and Per Westerberg, Speaker of the Swedisg parliament. 

Today at the Latvian National Theatre, a ceremonial concert was held in which Latvian musicians performed Latvian classical music. It was attended by members of the Supreme Council and members of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR who voted for the restoration of Latvia’s independence in 1991, as well as by high state officials and foreign diplomats.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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