Saeima sets criminal liability for unlawful financing of political parties


On Thursday, 8 September, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Criminal Law that impose criminal liability for unlawful financing of political parties.

The Law imposes criminal liability for unlawful financing of political organisations (parties) or alliances of political parties, as well as for acting as an intermediary in their unlawful financing.

Henceforth, the Law will set imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or custodial arrest or community service or a fine not exceeding the amount of fifty minimum monthly salaries for unlawful financing of parties or alliances of parties. Amendments to the Law proposed by the Legal Affairs Committee envisage that if the above-mentioned action has been committed by a group of persons by a prior agreement, the penalty would be imprisonment for up to four years or custodial arrest or community service or a fine not exceeding two hundred minimum monthly salaries.

Furthermore, acting as an intermediary in the unlawful financing of political parties in large amounts will also be punishable with imprisonment for a term up to two years or custodial arrest or community service or a fine not exceeding the amount of hundred minimum monthly salaries. 

Acceptance of unlawful funding in large amounts by a party or party alliance will be punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or custodial arrest or community service or a fine of up to fifty minimum monthly salaries. If the above-mentioned violation is committed by a group of persons by a prior agreement or if the violation is connected with demanding of financing in large amounts, the Law envisages imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or custodial arrest or community service or a fine in the amount of up to two hundred minimum monthly salaries.

Imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years or custodial arrest or community service or a fine in the amount of up to two hundred minimum monthly salaries will be imposed for extortion with the aim to fund a party.

According to the new wording of the Criminal Law, a person can be released from criminal liability if the unlawful financing of a party is related to extortion or if the person voluntarily reports that fact. Similarly, a person can be released from criminal liability if he/she admits his/her role in acting as an intermediary in unlawful party financing.


Saeima Press Service

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