The 11th Saeima elects its Presidium


On Tuesday, 18 October, the 11th Saeima elected its Presidium by secret ballot.

Solvita Āboltiņa, who represents the Unity party, was elected as the Speaker of the 11th Saeima.

MPs also elected two Deputy Speakers, namely, Inga Bite representing Zaltlers’ Reform Party and Andrejs Klementjevs elected from the alliance of political parties Concord Centre.

Dzintars Rasnačs, who represents the national alliance of All for Latvia and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, was elected as the Secretary of the Saeima; while Jānis Vucāns from the Union of Greens and Farmers was elected as the Deputy Secretary.

During its first sitting, the new convocation of the parliament also elected tellers, members of the temporary Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee; it also approved the mandates of 100 MPs.

The 11th Saeima is composed of 31 MPs elected from the alliance of political parties Concord Centre, 22 MPs elected from Zatlers’ Reform Party, 20 MPs elected from the Unity party, 14 MPs elected from the national alliance of All for Latvia and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and 13 MPs elected from the Union of Greens and Farmers.


Saeima Press Service

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