Andrejs Klementjevs: Latvia is interested in developing new forms of economic cooperation with Uzbekistan


“In the 21st century, distance does not matter; what matters is mutual interest in establishing relations, willingness to look for cooperation partners and implement new projects. Considering Uzbekistan as a strong cooperation partner in the fields of transport, transit and logistics, I would like to acknowledge that Latvian entrepreneurs’ interest in developing new economic relations has remained high even after the economic crisis. Taking into account the growth capacity of both countries, the potential for mutually beneficial cooperation in the future is great,” stressed Andrejs Klementjevs, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, on Wednesday, 26 September, during the meeting with Elyor Ganiev, Minister for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

“Geographical location has a significant role in promoting cooperation between both countries: Uzbekistan is an important transit hub for road transport linking Europe and Eastern Asia, whereas Latvia has well-developed ports and transit infrastructure that connects the East with the single market of the European Union. Furthermore, direct flights between both countries are of major importance,” emphasised the Deputy Speaker of the Saeima. 

“Previous successful cooperation in transit of non-military cargoes to Afghanistan via the Northern Distribution Network has created favourable prerequisites for strengthening further cooperation in transport, transit and logistics,” said Andrejs Klementjevs. He added that new initiatives in fields of transport and transit could promote economic integration and noted that “Latvia sees the Northern Distribution Network as the foundation for developing the New Silk Road initiative. The Northern Distribution Network can already be considered as a successful regional project in the field of transport, and the potential commercialization of the project can become a strong foundation for regional security, stability and economic growth.” 

Andrejs Klementjevs mentioned pharmaceutics, the food-processing industry, environmental technologies, information technologies, building and construction as possible fields in which bilateral economic collaboration can be intensified in the future. 

The Deputy Speaker of the Saeima commended the successful collaboration within the framework of the Latvian-Uzbek Intergovernmental Commission, which has become a platform for addressing topical issues and deepening economic ties. During the meeting, Andrejs Klementjevs drew attention to the fact that implementation of decisions made within the Commission has a significant role in promoting the interest of Latvian entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan’s market.

Andrejs Klementjevs emphasised that the delegation of entrepreneurs and representatives of local governments who are accompanying members of the Saeima on their visit to Uzbekistan in order to seek cooperation partners and make direct contacts also demonstrates Latvia’s interest in developing economic collaboration with Uzbekistan. Furthermore, the establishing of joint ventures is a sign of mutual interest in developing business; there are already 199 joint ventures operating in Latvia. 

Deputy Speaker Andrejs Klementjevs is on a working visit to Uzbekistan from 25 to 29 September. He is accompanied by Elīna Siliņa, Chairperson of the Public Expenditure and Audit Committee, and Raimonds Vējonis, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Monitoring the Drafting and Implementation of the National Development Plan.

Saeima Press Service

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