Speaker of the Saeima to the King of Sweden: Latvia and Sweden’s historical roots have been intertwined for centuries


On Wednesday, 26 March, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, met with King Carl XVI Gustaf of the Kingdom of Sweden, who paid a call to the main building of the Saeima during his state visit to the Republic of Latvia. “Our histories have been linked for centuries – the ones of our countries and the ones of our people. It is a history of cooperation, support, respect and friendship. The Swedish presence in Latvia can be felt at every step when we walk on the cobblestones to the Swedish Gate, which is just one hundred meters from here. We are also delighted that since last autumn, young audiences in Latvia have been able to live through all sorts of famous and exciting adventures of Karlsson-on-the-Roof in the ballet performance staged at the Latvian National Opera,” pointed out the Speaker.

 Āboltiņa noted that she was immensely interested in reading about the state visit to Latvia in 1929 by Gustaf V, grandfather of King Carl XVI Gustaf. Back then he said: “Ten years have passed since you took the fate of your country into your own hands, and now you are a free and sovereign state. The results you have achieved are to be greatly admired, and I am sure that with your nation’s work ethic you can be proud and look to the future with full confidence”.

In her address, the Speaker of the Saeima thanked Sweden for support during the dark and tragic years of war, when it sheltered countless families of Latvian refugees who were forced out of their homes and their land. Solvita Āboltiņa also recalled the gloomy occupation period. “These were the five decades of Soviet occupation, when the people of Latvia looked out across the Baltic Sea with great admiration toward Sweden and her people living in freedom.  We always aspired to regain our deserved place among free European nations,” said the Speaker to the King, as she also remembered the clear and at the same time fragile path of the Baltic Way leading the people of the Baltic States back to Europe. “Back then Sweden once again stood by us shoulder to shoulder,” said Āboltiņa.

The Speaker told her guest that on his first state visit to Latvia in 1992, he affirmed Sweden’s solidarity with our country. “This time your visit to Latvia is taking place during a troubled time when Europe has to deal with security challenges, and again your visit has a special meaning to us as your neighbour,” Āboltiņa said to the King; she stressed that Sweden is a special neighbour of Latvia, and we are grateful to all who have supported and encouraged us in many different ways.

Speaker Āboltiņa also emphasised the fact that Riga and Umeå are European Capitals of Culture in 2014, which will ensure even more exchanges between our peoples. “We look forward to working, growing and evolving with Sweden as our good neighbour, partner and friend,” stressed Solvita Āboltiņa. 


Photos from the meeting are available at:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkI_xW05Cew&list=UUdQ1YxaZG3i7ygGCdU8mPKQ
Rules for using the content: https://www.saeima.lv/en/copyrights 


 Saeima Press Service

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