In Copenhagen, Latvian delegation to NATO PA discusses global security situation with Canadian MPs


In Copenhagen, the Latvian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) met with Canadian MPs to discuss the security situation in Europe and globally, current challenges and the most common threats. Currently, Raimonds Bergmanis, Head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO PA, and permanent representatives Irma Kalniņa and Aleksandrs Kiršteins are in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, to participate in the NATO PA autumn session.

Bergmanis informed the Canadian delegation about the construction of the newest military training area and the potential timeframe for when the Canadian forces might begin to serve in Latvia at a larger—brigade—level.

Moreover, Latvian and Canadian MPs discussed opportunities to help Ukraine as well as its people who were forced to seek refuge abroad. Other topics of discussion included energy independence and bilateral cooperation.

During the meeting of the heads of the delegations of Nordic-Baltic Eight (NB8) countries, parliamentarians discussed immigration, Sweden’s accession to NATO, and broadening Finland’s involvement in Baltic Sea security.

During the NATO PA plenary session, MPs discussed the implementation of the Alliance’s new deterrence and defence concept, strengthening security in the Black Sea region, defending the democracies of the Alliance and its partner countries against disinformation, improving the Allies’ critical maritime infrastructure, as well as support for Ukraine and its reconstruction.

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly, founded in 1955, is a consultative interparliamentary organisation which unites parliamentarians from member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. NATO PA provides an essential link between NATO and national parliaments, strengthens the political dialogue, and promotes public support for Alliance policies.


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Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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