Daiga Mieriņa to President of Slovenia: We are close allies in strengthening Europe’s security


Latvia and Slovenia are close allies, especially in strengthening European security, both by supporting Ukraine and by strengthening the common security area in the long term. This was emphasised by the Speaker of the Saeima Daiga Mieriņa, on Monday, 18 December, meeting with the President of the Republic of Slovenia Nataša Pirc Musar. 

We are grateful for Slovenia’s military contribution to the presence of NATO in Latvia, emphasised Speaker Mieriņa, underlining the importance of defence industry and strengthening cooperation in this field, especially among defence industry companies. The Latvian Parliament has adopted the Defence Industry Law, and Latvia is now looking for cooperation partners in this field, Speaker Mieriņa confirmed.

The Speaker of the Saeima and the President of Slovenia agreed that today currently the most pressing issue is the security in Europe. It is closely linked to Ukraine’s ability to resist the aggressor and the support we provide. The support of allies must not be relaxed and we must demonstrate and provide all necessary assistance. Each of our decisions must contribute to Ukraine’s victory.

Speaker Mieriņa emphasised the need to continue the pressure of sanctions against Russia and the European Union to start work on the next round of sanctions. Latvia wants to include a ban on Russian grain imports, as we see increasing imports of Russian grain and its potentially negative impact on the grain sector. Although food imports are not currently prohibited, it is a bloody money used by Russia to strengthen its military potential and finance aggression.

Russian food import restrictions may seem exaggerated at first, but the Baltic States always go a step ahead of other allies in support of Ukraine, emphasised the Speaker of the Saeima. Initially, the abandonment of Russian energy sources also seemed impossible, but now we see that Europe can do without them.

The Slovenian President thanked Latvia for its support, helping to overcome the consequences of the devastating floods this autumn, stressing that Latvia was among the first to offer financial assistance to Slovenia.

The Speaker of the Saeima welcomed the opening of the Embassy of Slovenia in Riga, which will open up more opportunities for economic cooperation between the two countries.

Edmunds Cepurītis, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima, also participated in the conversation with the President of the Republic of Slovenia.


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Saeima Press Service

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